Bringing the Best into 2021
Bringing the Best (from 2020) into 2021 is a work of heart, and as we all “head back to the office” today, however that looks, I find it’s a great time to feel the pull of what is new and exciting about a new […]
Bringing the Best (from 2020) into 2021 is a work of heart, and as we all “head back to the office” today, however that looks, I find it’s a great time to feel the pull of what is new and exciting about a new […]
Online communities can be incredibly meaningful spaces for cooperative learning, sharing and collaboration. If you are intentional about how you hold the space as the host, you can help to co-create a powerful experience for everyone involved. So, once you have welcomed everyone, and your session is off and running, how can you invite everyone to connect more deeply and trust this new environment?
This is not the case. It cannot be. If That, then This. At very least, I’d have to cut my hair short to achieve at least a bit of that über-minimalism I’m talking about. A Natalie Portman cut—less V for Vendetta, more Hotel Chevalier. And, the times I want that simple persona most – at least when it comes to the packing – are when I’m on the road.
How do we cultivate the art of noticing? As I travel during this launch phase of Mindful by Design, the crossing points between mindful awareness, design thinking, and storytelling become even more clear, even more relevant, critical and universal in this age of AI. […]