
Cultivating a Digital Wellbeing Garden Space

This process here is all about “creating intentional space to create.” Imagine a garden space for yourself, where the practices that work for you can thrive. Here are some ideas and considerations that helped my Digital Wellbeing book writing process truly flourish. In that way, they became a way of being.

My book Digital Wellbeing is coming out next month on September 24: https://www.amazon.com/Digital-Wellbeing-Relationships-Imagination-Technology/dp/1394281781
As a preview, I am sharing a downloadable resource from my own journal: it’s a set of digital wellbeing ideas and frameworks that invite imagination, elevate creativity, and also encourage us to feel centered and whole. Important note: These are simply my own invitations, not prescriptive in any sense. See how they land for you. Choose and use only what is useful and nurturing for your own garden. With joy.

page from my journal, as a downloadable poster for you!

I got very playful with this exercise, and I talk about each of these elements (and more) in detail in Digital Wellbeing. Setting intentions and then aligning that with attention makes such a difference.

There is so much coming out in this book that focuses on digital integrations that elevate us instead of deplete us, enhancing our thriving as whole humans. So let’s start with the essential and even invite ourselves to get “phygital” in the process. What you find may surprise you — it did for me. Let me know how these reach you, and let’s keep inviting creativity into our digital wellbeing fully whole human-centered lives.

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